Commonwealth Office of the Ombudsman

Division of Citizen Services and Policy Integrity - Commonwealth Office of the Ombudsman

The Division of Citizen Services and Policy Integrity is comprised of two branches: 1) the Complaint Review Branch and 2) the Quality Advancement Branch.

The two branches and specific duties are discussed below.

Complaint Review Branch

​The Complaint Review Branch reviews and makes recommendations to resolve complaints about the Cabinet for Health and Family Services and services delivered by Cabinet employees. The branch issues recommendations to the Cabinet concerning complaint t​​​​rends to improve the Cabinet’s performance and may require corrective action when policy violations are identified.

Frequently Asked ​​Questions

The Office of the Ombudsman operates within the Commonwealth but is administratively attached to the Auditor of Public Accounts, ensuring it remains completely separate for impartial and unbiased investigations. Importantly, the Ombudsman does not represent employees of the Cabinet for Health and Family Services.

The Complaint Review Branch receives and investigates complaints about programs administered by the Cabinet for Health and Family Services. This office recommends corrective action where appropriate, prompts Cabinet staff to resolve customer problems, and advises the Cabinet Secretary of service delivery problems. The Complaint Review Branch cannot make, change, or set aside law, policy, or administrative decisions of the Cabinet. However, the Commonwealth Office of the Ombudsman make recommendations that resolve citizen complaints​ about the Cabinet for Health and Family Services and improve the cabinet’s performances.

The Commonwealth Office of the Ombudsman is the final administrative step taken to resolve conflict between an individual and the Cabinet. It is recommended that the customer discuss the problems with the person or Office involved prior to contacting the Complaint Review Branch. If you have made a reasonable effort to resolve your conflict with the Cabinet and have still not received an explanation of policy or law that controls the issue, please contact the Complaint Review Branch.​

Upon receipt of the complaint, a member of the Complaint Review Branch will contact you. Some inquiries and complaints will require the Commonwealth Office of the Ombudsman to conduct an investigation. The Complaint Review Branch will approach every complaint with impartiality and objectivity.​

Quality Advancement Branch

The Quality Advancement Branch completes comprehensive reviews of services provided by the Cabinet for Health and Family Services to ensure accountability and delivery of service to Kentuckians. The branch is responsible for the investigation of services or administrative acts provided by the Cabinet for Health and Family Services without regard to the finality of the administrative act pursuant to KRS 43.035.​